Augustana University Partnerships & Customized Programs

Partnership Universities

Augustana University partners with universities around the world. Study away opportunities for AU students can be found at all of these partners and numerous additional locations through AU faculty-led courses and third party-provided programs. Visit AU’s study away portal for more information. Contact for partnership inquiries.

AU Nord

Customized Programs at AU

Augustana University offers high schools and universities customized program opportunities — flexibly designed with access to instruction from any academic department, coupled with extra-curricular activities and excursions to create a meaningful, memorable experience. Students will:

  • Experience American university life on AU’s residential campus
  • Build relationships with American professors, staff and students
  • Take coursework in subject area of your choosing
  • Go on excursions to local businesses, historical places and tourist sites to bring course content to life
  • Experience American culture through on- and off-campus activities
IPO Customized Programs

Experiential Learning

Augustana collaborates with Sioux Falls’ international businesses, organizations and community leaders to extend learning from the classroom to real-world experiences. Students can tour facilities, interview professionals and volunteer. A few examples from previous cohorts include: 

  • EROS Data Center
  • Sanford Imagenetics
  • The City of Sioux Falls Mayor’s Office
  • POET Sustainable Energy  
  • Startup Sioux Falls Entrepreneur Center
  • Agriculture United for South Dakota
  • St. Francis House
International Students Visiting With SF Mayor 2020
